Africa leaders shared the weekly plans and prayer topics at the conference. Olivet Assembly of Africa(OAA) shared about 6 prayer topics for the 7 days relay fasting. They also gave guidance of updating the Category of the ‘Churches’ and ‘P-churches’ on Verenet for developments of the news. They encouraged the leaders with sharing the parable of Minas to save time while we walk for 40 days toward Christmas Retreat.
Africa participating Tuesday, Friday, and Monday of the next week to pray together. Africa prays to send some members from the schools from the next year for 1000 members. And Spain is important as it can connect Africa to European continents through Morocco.
As for the Africa Verenet update, OAA shared the article points to aim developments General Office including plan and goals to be the level of ‘church’ and ‘chapter’ with more than 24 Committed Members(CM) as the most of Africa church and chapters activities are ‘P-churches’.
They shared the message that is using parables of ‘money’ and ‘business’ to show a realistic view of our life. God gave us power and we need to be faithful instead of lazy as our time is our life. The master regrets as ‘if I gave to another one when the servant dug and put the money into the ground to only to do not lose it.
Our life is finishing when we finish our time. That’s why our commission is also the time. And everyone experiencing death once. The wisdom is to know the time to do not be meaningless as it is finishing very fast like flying away. Repentance is important like Zacchaeus.
The parable of Minas gives the same one Minas to everyone. The body of Jesus is also the same equality has as Paul said in 1 Corinthians 12. We also need to try to give the same opportunities to the youths and poor people.