Olivet Assembly of Africa(OAA) gave reflections to the Africa leaders for the 29th WGA Africa Regional Conference. They gave thanks to God for Four OCs in Africa and restarting to flow and sowing the seed for the new harvest.
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Gal 6:9.
By the grace of God, we finished WGA as well with an abundance of hope of vision. Thank you for all the participation and presentations of your efforts. I could find new hope from a lot of new works.
Our leaders also presented the visions of Mission, Education, and Business and we found our insufficiency in us that we didn’t make many things. But we could see that visions coming from God and there is fulfillment. And now I hope to see that we are already entered the place and the time of rest.
When we review this year, we recognized that God has done everything of works in Africa. Africa received 3 OCs(EAF, Zambia, Nigeria) including the closing payment of South Africa. These are the greatest works this year that are done by God and the sacrifice of our members. All visions of our church are starting to fulfill with these OCs. That’s why we need to proclaim what God has done in us this year.
It was difficult to make a presentation about what Africa has done this year and the vision of the next year. We repented for losing time and identity by laziness and confusion of direction by my own way. We regretted it because of fish and no fruits in the time of judgment.
But, we realized more than the time of judgment is really necessary to know what is the fruits of my life. So many works and things to showing is not the fruits but it was leaves. And the lesson comes that I can bear fruits when I am in Christ and stick on him.
The good thing is always that vision and works to do is coming through the WGA. Even if there is a personal failure, there is the victory of God in others that are becoming common in us. There is a lot of works to do when we see the next year. Especially the OC staff and OC programs and Olivet Academy shows big hope in Africa’s mission.
Through this 29th WGA, we feel like a farmer sees the huge fields. We feel that we are overwhelmed by the blessings of God. Because God gave us the big field instead of a small one.
Paul said, whoever plows and threshes should be able to do so in the hope of sharing the heavest. (1Cor 9:10) And, Those who sow with weeping, we shall reap with the songs of joy.(Psal 126:5,6). Now, we finished threshing and need to plow and sow the seed again to the new harvest. Amen.