On 11th July, Gratia Church held Sunday service with 10 people, and the message was shared by brother Benson from the book of Romans 5:1-2.
He explained to them about justification that comes only by faith in Christ Jesus who put mankind righteous through His death. So we are not under the power of sin anymore, but we have now access to stand before the presence of God; we are righteous, for what Jesus has done on the cross.
As the apostle Paul underscores again, since the righteousness of God has already been completed now, it is for us to believe to whom who justified the sinner to right, for the righteousness has stands firm.
It is by faith that we have attained God’s righteousness, and therefore you and everyone else in this world must realize that it is now possible for all to obtain the righteousness of God.
We must understand God’s righteousness properly and believe in it properly. God sent His only Son who came into this world to die for our sin, so through His death, we are have put right before God by faith.
It is only by believing in the true righteousness of God that we can have peace with Him. We, who believe in God’s righteousness can no longer remain as His enemies, and true peace has come to us as a result of believing in the righteousness of God.