On 20th June, Ndola Revival Church held a Sunday service with a total of 26 attendants including one visitor called Patricia Phiri. They were encouraged to be rooted in love as it is the major purpose why God created man.
The Bible study was given by sister Mary Phiri from the book of Genesis 1:28 which was entitled, ‘Be fruitful.’ She said that a tree can only produce fruit after it is mature, therefore humans also need to mature in love. “When God created man, He had put in him His image which is love, that is why we need to mature by loving God back,” she shared.
The sermon was delivered by Intern Pastor Joanna from the book of 1 Corinthians 13:1-7. She explained the purpose of life which is to give joy to God through love. That is why it is important for us to mature in love and to multiple by loving other people.
“When we were still in our mother’s womb, we were connected only to our mother but after we are born we got connected to people. That is why Jesus summarized all the commandments into two saying that we should love God first then we can love our neighbor, as the Bible says that love is the fulfillment of the law,” she shared.
She concluded after encouraging the attendants to carry with them the one and only, true love that comes from God which is not self-seeking or envious or proud of that which takes please in wrong.