Olivet Assembly of Africa(OAA) hold a Dedication Service on Sunday for Gratia Church. Olivet Assembly of Zambia and Revival Church leaders joined and celebrated starting of the church. Intern Pastor Peter shared “By the grace of God, our Gratia church officially starting today”. The leaders had a conference to build a church building on the land where the owner of the land wants to provide it to the church.
Missionary James Lee of Olivet Assembly of Africa(OAA) shared a message of ‘Dedication of Solomon’s temple’ from 2 Chronicles 7:12-14. He said that there are 3 temples in the bible where God dwells in, and God wants to build a true what Jesus said among us so that His Kingdom come. God will hear us restore and heal this world by the prayer of His people.
The church members gathered to share the vision of the church. Missionary James shared the vision to make Olivet High School and the elders of the church gladly accepted and they decided to call Teen and youths for the school for 100 for school starting.
They also shared to build a temporary church building as there is one woman who wants to provide the land to the church. She lost her husband last year. They visited the land together for a survey. They measured the land and will make a decision according to the budget for the church construction.
Kitwe is 2nd city in Zambia and intern Peter dispatched after ordination on the 21st of June. There is a church place were rented a house for family members and there is a youth center operating a book club in mission house of him.