Revival Church Joined to Sunday Service, 06/09/2020. The message shared by brother Benson an assistant Pastor. He shared about the resurrection power in Christ Jesus, the Son of God. The main scripture came from the book of Romans 8:11.
Brother Benson shared the message, that the spirit of God had raised Jesus Christ from his death. God raised Him from the dead, by his spirit then he will give life to our mortal bodies. Since the spirit of God who lives in us. He continued that, God resurrected Jesus from his death. The same spirit of God wants to resurrect and quicken our mortal bodies. Because the word of God says that our bodies are the temples of God.
God wants to build himself up inside of us by his spirit. The spirit gives us a life which is everlasting life. Even if we happen to die today, because of his spirit we will be resurrected again. He shared, the message that the bible says in the book of Ezekiel 37, the Lord called Ezekiel. Told him to prophesy to the dead bones, so that they should be raised again. God wanted the dry bones to have a life to live again, through the power of resurrection in Christ Jesus.
The message today was great because assistant pastor Benson shared the theme about, the power of resurrection in Christ Jesus, the Son of God.