Revival church members joined to Sunday service. The attendance was 17 members. The message was shared by James, reading came from the book of Mathew 5:2, Romans 12:18 Ephesians 4:26-27. Title of the message was talking about “Repentance and Forgiveness”
James Kunda shared the message that the word of God is now telling us that everyone is going to face judgment. If we have differences or some misunderstanding with our brothers and sisters. We have to sit down, settle that matter peacefully. We cannot worship God in spirit and truth when we have the wrong motives. We cannot worship God when we have wrong thinking against our brothers and sisters. Romans 12:18, the Bible reads that we should live at peace with everyone around us. Romans 12:19 says that we should not take revenge, but we must leave room for God’s wrath. The word of God says that it is God’s duty to take revenge or avenge our brothers and sisters. Also when your enemy is hungry, feed them. If they are thirsty, give them something to drink.
Lastly, in doing good to your enemies, do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good deeds. Amen