Revival church members joined to the main service in which attendance was 20 members with one new member sister precious the cousin to teacher Febby.The message shared by sister Rita Mwepu. The title of the message was about repentance, and scripture came from Isaiah 1:18.
Sister Rita shared the message in the book of Isaiah 1:18, the word of God says to the people of Israel, “Come let us settle the matter together. He says your sins are many and like scarlet but shall be as white as the snow. Your sins are so red as like crimson but they shall be like wool.
The Lord says, to his people then if you are willing and obey my word you shall eat good things and produce the land. In conclusion, the Lord says, when you resist the word of God and rebels against it. Then you will be destroyed by the sword. For the Lord has spoken, I think the message for today was so great as it came to us in order to lead us to repentance.