Africa leaders shared about the Great Commission from the conference. Olivet Assembly of Africa shared about the direction of Cyber church planting and Zambia Gratia Church had 29 members attend the Sunday service. OAA shared the guidance of the missionary expansion of the church that needs to follow the Great Commission.
OAA shared about the good news of Gratia church in Kitwe that had 2nd Sunday Service with 29 members. A business ministry in Africa promised to support a youth Center to organize fellowship with church development. Missionary James shared that “I realized that we are living church all the ministry is working for the body of Christ and making the Great Commission together”.
Especially, our church was developing in this pandemic situation with the plan of cyber church as we can use IT for the mission. It is the church for the great commission that whether the situation is good or not, we follow the order of Jesus as like the early church. The early church received persecution but it was the opportunity to preach the gospel to the Judea and Samaria area, in Act 8:1.
We need to receive salvation and the Holy Spirit. The book of Act is showing that receiving salvation and the Holy Spirit come together. Even if we do not know which one is the first but very clear that we need both of them.
He shared that Zambia intern pastors decided to do intensive study for the Romans and 333 training. The church needs to use the book of Romans as a manual to know the truth as Christology and Soteriology and Eschatology is important as it is the basic doctrine of Christianity. We need to receive the Holy Spirit whether it is tongue or eyes to see, ears, and head as a sign and mark of the Holy Spirit in our body. And spiritual gifts are appearing in the church to build a body of Christ.
The early church scattered by persecution but they did great commission unwillingly. So people who have the great commission will not change because of the situation of Pandemic or persecution. The situation is different but one thing is not to change that is the Great Commission to us.