Gracia cell fellowship had on Wednesday service which started around 15:30-17:30 and they received 4 new visitors including sister Magaret.
Intern pastor peter prepared the service and Mrs. Exildah led the program with intercession prayers, praise, and worship. Peter shared the word of God from genesis 1:26 about the image of God.
He shared the message about the love of God which has been reviewed through Jesus Christ our savior. In the beginning, God reigned in love despite the wickedness and rebellion of man, he sent one and only who came in the flesh to save man from his sin.
He said that “The image of God means love which is agape love, God showed us the immeasurable love. Even if we were sinners, Christ died for us this is the true love of God on man. The highest level of love is to give your life for your friends so that they may have life and this is what Jesus Christ did to us.
We are expected to show love to others by sharing the word of god and comfort the heartbroken because of the fake love of this world”. Peter shared the message.