Africa leaders held a conference and shared the idea of utilizing Olivet Seminary. Olivet Assembly Africa shared a message for the ‘Foundation of the Church’ to Africa leaders from the online conference. The leader shared a story of the first Sunday Service from the University of Zambia Youth Center that the landlord joined for fellowship.
Missionary James shared the progress of the Olivet Seminary in China, saying that 700 people have already been registered. He also shared how the minister needed to intercede for members who joined through evangelism and advertising. Together, they shared about how to give guidance to the members and decided to find a Christian union in the university for advertisement.
Africa has also established the Kenya and Zambia Olivet Seminaries. They will make South Africa and Uganda Olivet Seminaries as well. Uganda will start after a youth Center in Kampala is set up.
Missionary James then shared a message from 1Corinthians 3: 10-23. He expressed that the church needs to know that the foundation of the church is Jesus Christ, that and the community needs to build a dwelling place of God through the wisdom of the cross.
He also shared from 2 Corinthians 4:5 that members need to preach Jesus understanding why Jesus is Christ. He highlighted the importance of this so that the members could understand what it meant “To know God, to know Christ, and to make Him known. We need to do the mission works as a servant for Jesus’ sake,” Missionary James said.
“The Great Commission is the purpose of the mission. We need to remember that we received authority and that we want to make the Kingdom of God. This means that the history of salvation is our mission,” Missionary James emphasized.
May all the leaders and members be encouraged through these words and carry out a heart longing to restore His Kingdom on the Earth.