Africa had a conference to share reports and the words of God. Missionary James shard the prayer of Gethsemane from John 18:1-3. Africa ministries reported online activities after changing the platform due to the Coronavirus epidemic.
Missionary James shared that we can learn the prayer of the son of God from the prayer of Jesus at the mountain Gethsemane. John 17 ‘s prayer was to glorify God through the way of the cross and it is connected to this prayer. His prayer showed human nature in the victory of obedience. But it is completed from the prayer on the Cross that ‘It is finished’ from John 19:30 and he commits his spirit into the hand of God from Luke 23:46.
That the place is Mount of Olives according to Luke 19:29, Luke 21:37, Act 1:12. That the place was familiar to Jesus and disciples to teach and pray. That place supposed to be a Coronation place, anointed by olive oil, as Jesus came to this world as a Christ which means ‘Christos’ in Greek.
Jesus prayed alone even if there are three disciples were together, Matt 26:37. There was about ‘a stone’s throw’ distance between Jesus and disciples. The way of disciple needs to be this way to reduce and come closer to him.
Jesus prayed the prayer of obedience. This is the prayer of the Son of God. A servant cannot go this way. A servant submits to command but the son obeys to the will of God. Jesus found the will of God as it is the allowance of God even if it is the way of the cross which means death by evil’s power. He accepted as this way is the way he to go.
OA Africa stared Online Bible Study for the book of Romans with listeners including Uganda, Ethiopia, Tanzania, and Zambia. OA Kenya started online Sunday Service and online bible study with church members. YEF Africa changing online flatform for evangelism. AM Africa keeps study online Bible Study for the book of John and making 500 Facebook pages.