Olivet High School (OHS) is bringing about a bright and fruitful future in the continent of Africa. In pursue of raising leaders, Olivet Assembly Africa (OAA) together with Olivet University International (OUI) plans to establish 10-50 schools per country in the continent of Africa.
What allows OHS to thrive and to blossom in the continent of Africa is the need for education which becomes effective and critical for the development of Africa as a whole.
Building high schools in areas where education opportunities are rare will attract many students who can receive biblical education along with Bible studies. Through those Bible studies, the students will be evangelized and become members and workers of the Kingdom of God.
OHS will go together with Hunt Trade and Craft School (HTCS) for raising many craftsmen and those who will participate in the building of God’s churches. The evangelism of teens and youths through the school will also be a source of recruitment for OU through which they can grow and receive further education based on the Bible and theological studies.
The mission and vision of the Olivet High Schools are to raise young leaders from their teenage years who have not been fully deteriorated by the world and whose hearts are still pure and longing for God’s love and grace.
While at OHS, the students will be trained through daily Bible study and morning devotionals then led to the church and given opportunities to serve God through various ministries according to their calling, gifts, and talents. The OHS will be an education center for numerous youths.
Once they graduate from high school and have become more involved as members of the church and participated in diverse ministry works, they will be sent to Olivet Centers where they will continue to grow and be provided with more in-depth leadership training.