AM Africa started 40 days walk with God with an on-line sharing of the Word of God. They will be holding daily hourly morning prayers. The conference room contain members from different countries. 8 members were actively involved during the sharing
Brother Walter started by en-lighting the mission and vision of AM as he brought the members to attention that we are called and sent to go to mission field, to preach the Gospel all over the world, but the question is, what do we need to do? First, we need to know our identity. That we are sent and the sent does the will of the sender. Jesus said, I have come to do the will of He that sent me, not my will, John 6:38-30 and John 17:2-3, 18
Jesus did the will of God that sent Him. So we too ought to be doing the will of God. We need to think if we doing the will of God or ours. So many times, we think we are doing the will of God but actually we do our own will. That’s why we spend time meaninglessly.
Jesus sent disciples as God sent him. So are we. Sent by Jesus. To do the will of God. But we need to think of what the will of God is if we are to do. What is the will of God? The will of God is give eternal life. Believing in Jesus Christ. This is the work of God
Therefore, we need to preach Gospel. The Gospel is the story of Jesus. How do we preach about Jesus if we do not know Jesus well? In ministry work, need to start from “Knowing Jesus, then we can “Make him known”. We need to understand the meaning of the cross as well. Because if we do not understand the meaning of the Cross, then we do not know the meaning of life of Jesus as well.
Knowing Jesus makes us know God better. We cannot know God unless we know Jesus. Why? Because other ways are not clear, they just teach to know that ‘God is exist’. By the reasoning of our head and by consciences of our heart, Rom 1:19-20. God made us to know him.
Well, we can know God’s existence but not able to know God clearly, unless we know Jesus. Because Jesus is revelation of God. Jesus is image of God. Jesus is the way to go to God. So many people are looking for the truth, yet Jesus is the truth. For this reason we need to know Jesus more. And to know Jesus, we need to know the meaning of the cross. Why Jesus died on the cross?
The truth is that it was death. Something special about this death is that it has two meaning. And we need to understand it well. It is obedience and killing. Jesus obeyed, and Jesus was killed. Many people understand and stops at obedience. But not many people think we was killed. We killed him. Paul and Peter said we killed him Act 2. You killed the author of life! 2 Corinthian 4:5, 10, we always carry around in our body the death of Jesus. We cannot repent unless we understand we killed Jesus. This brings true repentance.
Jesus died for our sin, He had life, but the He died on the cross to carry our sins. This should renew our heart to open our eyes to see the sacrifice of Jesus and His love. Therefore, let us know Jesus more to have deeper knowledge of who God is. And we teach people and bring them to true repentance reconciling them to God, Brother Walter shared.
The region will be holding daily morning prayers for one hour till Christmas day