Olivet Assembly ROC & DRC Joint Membership Retreat: “Blessed Are Those Who Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness”


On September 26, 2024, members from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and the Republic of Congo (ROC) commenced their 4-day joint membership retreat. Missionary James Lee led the opening session, delivering an inspiring message based on Matthew 5:6. He encouraged everyone to cultivate a deep longing for God’s righteousness and to actively seek His Kingdom, highlighting that a heart that hungers and thirsts for righteousness will be truly satisfied.

The retreat’s theme centered on exploring the righteousness of God and the Kingdom of God through the books of Romans and Matthew 13. Missionary James shared that God’s righteousness is revealed in the Gospel, and that a beautiful world begins with His righteousness. He also mentioned the prophet Amos’s vision, where justice and righteousness overflow like a river in this world.

On this first day, participants studied Romans 1 and 2, focusing on the righteousness of God. They took time to meditate on “sowing the seed in their hearts” with faith and knowledge, allowing it to grow and bear fruit. Additionally, they delved into a lesson on prayer, which sparked a vibrant discussion. Members eagerly asked numerous questions about prayer, seeking a deeper understanding of how to connect with God and align themselves with His will through sincere and heartfelt communication.





