Africa leaders concentrate to evangelize new students according to the new academic year is started. Olivet Assembly of Africa(OAA) shared the message to sow in the heart from Matthew 13:19-29 from the first weekly conference in February. Leaders are encouraged to focus on teaching from the membership retreat and leadership training.
OAA missionary James Lee shared about the bible study in Olivet Academy that many students do not understand how to receive the words of God into their hearts. They did not recognize the difference between knowing and believing, and true confession. They still remain as outwardly Christian as they did not receive the words of God in their heart and believe in Jesus’ name.
Children of God do not love in tongue and word only but in truth and in deeds. The heart is moving our belief to practice. True love goes to do it with the heart instead of the head only. Jesus brought us the new commandment to love God and love neighbour. The gospel is the law of love in Romans 13:8.
True Christians need to be the level of children of God instead of the level of a servant in the relationship with God. ‘only Jesus’ means Jesus is the only way to go to God when we want to take this original position of human. Jews people think the angels are higher than humans, like Psalms 8:5. But a human is a son of God in the original position which means those who are saved will be served as Jesus was served by angels after temptation.
‘-el’ in Hebrew means ‘god’ as they come with the words of God, John 10:35-38. But those who did not have faith to be a son tried to stone Jesus as they think it is blasphemy. But Jesus is the only one who understands the will of God and obeyed till die, and called God ‘Abba’ as an intimate relationship.
They shared the OC Zambia evangelism that they fulfilled the goal of 1500 contacts by street evangelism and increasing the listeners. They encouraged themselves to go to 2000 new contacts in February and planning to make a retreat with bible listeners. The bible teachers are encouraged to find a humble and gentle heart first. And remove the worries and pains and open the heart of the listeners by faith, love, and grace of Jesus.