On October 10th Sunday, Nairobi Gratia church had Sunday service members and 1 new comer. Intern Pastor Livingston delivered a message from Mark 12:41-44 “The Widow’s Offering”
He said “The widow is helpless person who was so poor. But she believed in God with whole of her. She depended on God only. We also need to believe in God like this widow. Our life is living sacrifice so we need to give to God everything whole heartedly. Early church was the church where insufficient people gathered. Even though they were weak and poor, as they gave their lives fully, God could use them to save many souls in the world”
In the service, the children and teens were called to the front, because the schools are opening this week, they received prayers from members.
Brother Clevins joined the service as his first time after coming movie evening on Saturday. He is a leadership of Christian Union in Kinyanjui college and he shared whenever he has time, he would join the church program.
After service, they had time of sharing reflection. They were encouraging each other for the evangelism and prayers to fulfill the great commission in their lives.