Africa leaders had a conference and encouraged leaders to be joyful and to have faith to do all things in every situation. Olivet Assembly of Africa(OAA) shared the message of the Philippines 4:4 -13. They shared the basic direction for M40, and 3 Presbyteries, and 24 to 70 members of the church members. Also, count the numbers of the church as well toward the WGA.
Africa has 6 countries for M40 that Angola, Cameroon, D.R. Congo, Ethiopia, Ghana, and Mozambique. They shared topics of the establishment of M40 that the registration of the church and raising the leader of that country.
OAA will work together with YEF and AM ministries to raise their level of membership to CM so that they will be a leader of M40. Also, urgently we need a staff of OC to establish a strong connection with the network of National Alliances(NA).
They encouraged the leaders to be strong in the situation of hardship. Apostle Paul was saying “rejoice in the Lord” when he was in the prison. He could do evangelism Onesimus from the prison and take time to write letters to be a bible. His faith is coming from the “secret of being content in any and every situation” so that “I can do all things through him who strengthens me”.
The leaders need to have this faith of relying on the Lord instead of relying on their own power and wisdom. Peter was becoming a good leader after he fall down by disowning Jesus 3 times. The lesson is coming that we can be strong when we truly rely on God.