Olivet Assembly of Zambia (OAZ) Revival Church members held their last Sunday service in the month of August on the 29th with a total of 24 attendants including one visitor by the name of Martha. They were encouraged to always trust in the Lord even in the midst of storms believing that everything is working for their good.
The sermon came from the book of Mark 4:35-41 which is the scenario of Jesus calming the wind and the waves of the sea. Jesus told his disciples to go to the other side, leaving the multitude behind they got in a boat and started going. When the storm arose while they were in the middle of the sea the disciples were afraid and they cried out to Jesus asking him to save them or else they die. When Jesus woke up he commanded peace to the wind and waves and immediately a great calm was upon the sea then he asked them where their faith was.
Just like the disciples, we also have been called to go to the other side to caught fish as he commissioned us to preach the gospel till the end of the world. But on this journey, there are always storms that symbolize trials, suffering, and hardship but while in the midst of these trials we must not lose faith in the Lord, we must not forget that He is always with us even if He may seem far from us.
“We all need to follow the example that Jesus gave while in the storm, he was sleeping on a pillow. This does not mean he did not hear the storm, He did but He had faith in God knowing that no harm will come to them. The trails that come our way are not made to destroy us but they come to build and strengthen us, therefore let us live our life having complete faith and trust in the Lord knowing that he is the one who sent us and no harm will come upon us for so long he lives”, Intern Pastor Joanna shared.
They concluded with prayer as they asked God to strengthen their faith so that even if the waves may rise they will not be moved with fear but they will always trust that God is working for their good even through the storm.