Nairobi Gratia Church Kenya had the first Sunday of the Month on August 1st. With powerful praise and worship, the church was exhorted to be the Salt to preserve and be the light shining to guide and lead many to Christ this month.
As Jesus called and sent us to this world as salt and light, we need to ensure that we do not lose our saltiness otherwise we shall be thrown away and trampled upon. We need to ensure that our identity as Christians remains intact. We ought to hold on to the calling of God for our lives, and with humility obey every commandment given to us.
Let’s light our candles and go light the work, let us reveal Jesus to the world, lead the blind to Jesus to receive healing, and lead those in darkness to the light of God. For the light of God shines brightly into our hearts to give us life.
Like Abraham, let’s talk to God let’s ask Him to preserve this broken world and guide it to repentance and God’s Love, I.P Livingstone shared exhorting and calling to Church members and leaders to wake up from the slumber and go light the world.
Students got a holiday break and went to their respective homes but the Church leaders remain in contact to guide and encourage them not to lose their hearts. A Shepard system is being drawn to allow leaders to be allocated members to mentor and guide them with the hope to grow into leadership