On 25th July, Zambia, Ndola Revival Church held a Sunday service with a total of 29 participants who were encouraged and cautioned at the same time to put on the full armor of God for they are at war with the forces of evil.
The Bible study was shared by sister Mary Phiri from the book of John 14:1-2 which was about the suffering of Jesus Christ. From the Scripture, before facing the suffering that is to come, Jesus was comforting His disciples telling them not to worry for He is going to the Father to prepare a place for them. “We also should not be worried but we need to overcome our worries by faith in Jesus Christ believing in Him that one day we will go into the house that He has prepared for us,” she shared.
The sermon was given by Intern Pastor Joanna from the book of Ephesians 6:10-18 with the theme, “Put on the full armor of God”. She explained saying that while they were still of the world, they were friends with the world making themselves enemies with God, but after receiving the Gospel of salvation, they were separated from the world, that is why the world hurts them.
“Since we are the enemies with the world the evil one will try in so many ways to kill us spiritually by causing us to fall short of the glory of God by sinning. That is why we need the full armor of God starting with truth for God is always true, and as His children carrying his image, we need to resemble Him. Without the armor, we cannot overcome the evil that always waged war against us, and every part of the armor is very important because if we miss one piece of it, we are prey to the devil,” she shared.
They concluded after thanking God for all He is doing especially among the youths as they stand in love and in unity as they aim to build the Kingdom of God. The youths even had to share poetry during service teaching about the power that is in prayer, this was very encouraging and we believe more will come out of them.