On 18th July, Revival Church held Sunday service with 30 attendants, among them three were visitors and two confessed their desire to join the Church namely Eric, and Lawrence who are both brothers from Kabushi. The participants were encouraged to allow the light that comes from the truth to breathe life into all the dry bones for they are the mighty army.
The Bible study was given by brother Kelly from the book of Romans 1:16-17 which was about salvation. He shared that Christianity is a religion of salvation and this salvation does not come because they go to Church but it comes only if they believe in Jesus Christ who was given as a sin offering by God the Father that through Him all who believe will receive righteousness.
The sermon came from the book of Ezekiel 37:1-10 by Intern Pastor Joanna which was about the vision of the dry bones that Ezekiel had received; after he prophesied according to what he was told by God the bones became flesh but did not become living beings, therefore he had to prophesy again. She explained that most Christians are not yet living beings so they need the second prophesy as Revelation 10:8-11 says, ‘Prophecy again’.
Before we received the words of grace which is from God, we were all dry bones, but after we received flesh from the first prophecy. But for us to receive life in us to stand as a mighty warrior, we need the second prophecy that gives life to the flesh. The Bible tells us that if we receive Jesus, He will give life to our spirit but our body will still be dead because of sin, but if we receive God the Father who raised Jesus back to life He will also give life to the flesh.
She concluded after cautioning them to not just know the truth but to live by it, and allow the light that comes from God to shine on them for God is not looking for the flesh that cannot move but He is looking for a mighty army. As Christians, we are that mighty army.