On 23rd May, 19 people including 5 Olivet High School (OHS) students attended the Pentecost Sunday service in which Intern Pastor Peter shared from John 14:16-18 as they meditated about the promise of the Holy Spirit.
This period of Pentecost is very important in Christian history as it brings an increase and revival in their lives. The revelation concerning Christ was progressive in the Old Testament the Holy Spirit only comes upon the one he wills, apparently without reference to condition in them.
Christ taught His disciples that they might receive the Holy Spirit from the Father through prayer. Also, Himself promised them that He will pray to the Father and ask the other comforter to abide with them all. He instructed them to wait before the beginning of their ministry until the Holy Spirit would come upon them.
On the day of the Pentecost, the Spirit came upon the whole believers and after it, the Gospel preached to Jews and Gentiles the spirit was imparted to such who believed by laying of hands. When Peter opened the door of the Kingdom to the Gentile, the Holy Spirit immediately or another condition than faith was given to those who believed that was the permanent fact for the entire church age.