Gratia Church Received 3 Visitors for the First Service of May

Nairobi Gratia Church received three visitors on Sunday. On the first Sunday of May, the Church meditated about being born again from John 3:1-8 as the sermon was delivered by Pastor Thomas Ha.

Madam Grace who visited the Nairobi Church a month ago was able to join again inviting and coming along with her husband Mr. Alfred. Another brother, Peter was evangelized during the week and he was also able to join the service. Methuselah and Peter continue to regularly attend Sunday service for four weeks in a row.

Being born again is a condition to go to heaven but it’s not a sufficient requirement. Citing Mathew 1:19,21-23 the preacher explained that our life should not only be a Lord, lord life but our lives should be a transformed and purified life. We need to be born of water and Spirit.

For a Christian is not one that is outwardly but inwardly, Romans 2:28-29. We should be born of the Spirit for the Spirit gives life. The Word of God is spirit and life (John 6:63). We need to put on the garment of righteousness given to us for the wedding banquet, Revelation 22:14, 19:7-8, explained by the preacher

The service was full of grace and power with beautiful ushering of the praise and worship team through songs. Mr. Alfred and his family promised to join the church for services.