Nairobi Church held a Sunday service today 11th April, meditating death to sin a living unto God through Jesus Christ. I.P. Livingstone delivered a sermon from the book of Romans 6:10-11. “For the death, he died he died to sin, once for all, but the life he lives he lives to God. So you also must consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus.”
The death of Christ is the death for our all sins, once for all. It is the death to clear our all sin at once. .” This means ‘the life he lives is eternal.’ In other words, He lives eternally.
We are dead to sin. Because the Lord died with our all transgressions, our sins died. Then, we became alive before God. In Christ Jesus, we came to live eternally. So, there is no death in Christ. It is only that the death of the physical body is returning to the earth, and our spirits return to the eternal kingdom of God. That is why Christians don’t have the terror of death.
Becoming a Christian means that we are set free from the power of sin. Therefore, we have confidence through Christ Jesus to come before God. Christ took and carried our sins upon Himself and died, He rose again, we are also new creation through Christ. It means that at the moment we accepted Christ, these two events surely happened in us.
For us to fully separate from sin, we need to know and understand the meaning of death. Death means separation between the physical body(from the dust) and the spiritual body (from God). Ecclesiastes 12:7 – and the dust returns to the ground it came from, and the spirit returns to God who gave it.
After the separation of the physical body from the spiritual body, the physical body is buried in the ground. But the spirit returns to God to face judgment (Hebrews 9:27). A beautiful spirit & soul goes to heaven but an ugly spirit & soul goes to hell where there are groans and regrets. Luke 16:22-24, Mathew 25:46, Mark 9:44 where Their worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched.
There is a Chasm between Heaven and Hell (irreversible) Luke 16:26 such that no one can cross over from one side to another. We also need to remember that repentance only possible during earthly life, Luke 16:27-31. Man is living under the limited-time set. There is time set to face judgment before eternity. Man of many sins, Evil spirit is waiting for them to be brought to hell.
Genesis 3:3, But about the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden, God said, ‘You must not eat it or touch it, or you will die”. The man ended up eating this fruit leading them to die. But today they have a reputation of being alive, but they are dead, Revelation 3:1
Jesus died for our sins to give us eternal life. We need to remember this great love of God for our life and change our lives. Let’s separates ourselves from sin, let us die to sin. When we recognize the importance of the life of faith for our salvation, we will also receive comfort in God. I hope each one of us can live with this faith in God for our salvation.