On April 4th in 2021, OA EAF had Easter service together with AM Africa and Nairobi Gratia Church. For the last 3 days from Wednesday to Friday, they had an Easter retreat then they concluded all the events of Easter with Easter service on Easter day. They were meditating the meaning of Jesus’ resurrection and the will of God through it, mainly from John 20 and they also had Holy Communion to remember Jesus’ sacrifice for the sinners in this world.
After the service, they had the table fellowship and they also looked at a Jesus movie together. The service and movie watching were full of the grace of God. All the participants received a lot of grace of God. The followings are the reflections from some of the members after all the events of Easter. They are really thankful for God’s abundant grace through Easter and pray that God can save more souls through His true words.
“Today’s movie was touching my heart and I said I would not sin again but we can’t be perfect only we need the Holy Spirit of God to guide us coz Jesus is the only way to our father.”
“What a blessed week we had! I need more of JESUS. Now I know what He went through wasn’t easy, now I pray that every human being can know Jesus.”