Africa Churches Electing More Leaders of Ministries Africa focusing on the election for the leaders of AM and OTM. They held a weekly conference and shared about the leaders of Olivet Fellowships(OF) Africa.
Olivet Assembly of Africa(OAA) encouraged to elect AM and OTM leaders from the church members. OF Africa agreed that AM needs more leaders and they will train members for a continental leader. They are trying to participate OTM National leader and acting leader first.
OAA keep shared 8 lessons for Africa members for the Lent period, and they trying 3rd phase from 4 groups (P1-2Groups, P2-2groups) to elect fellowship members.OAA electing one new YEF chapter leader for the University of Zambia(UNZA) with YEF Africa. They will organize regular bible study on Saturday for the Youth Center of UNZA from this week.
Kenya Gratia church that they are meditating the unity in Christ from John 17:23, 15:1-8. He gives bible study to Peter and Vincent. OA Zambia ministers of 3 churches held a conference to make more unity for the church and the schools. Lusaka UNZA Youth Center received a new member and starting to evangelize together with Intern pastor James Kunda. He is joining YEF this week. Intern Pastor Livingstone reported for the OF Africa for the plan of OTM and AM. They held a regular conference on Monday and Friday.
AM Africa held a new bible study group of phase 1. They got 5 members of phase 2 students from 12 of Phase 1. Phase 2 group is studying Romans and 7 members of Phase 3 students are for the way of the Cross. AM receives training to update web-pages.
Elim Africa held the prayer meeting for Africa OCs and Kenya. Pastor Jane keeps teaching Steven’s family that Loise, Stephen, Norah, and Christine for Romans. She keeps contacting with Intern Pastor Luke in Kisumu.
Olivet High School becomes 57 members Ndola and 25 members for Kitwe. The students are starting to register as the result of the examination came out.