Revival Church held Sunday service on February 21st with a total of 17 attendants. They were encouraged from 1 Corinthians12 to be one body in Christ Jesus and also remaindered about the judgment that is to come if they do not take their responsibilities seriously for although they are in one body they have been given different functions and each part needs to bear fruit.
The Bible study was shared by brother Matthew from the book of John 13:1-2 about the suffering of Jesus. The Scripture is telling us about the day of the last supper and it says that Jesus loved His disciples from the beginning till the end. For He knew that His time has come for Him to depart because the devil already had put it into the mind of Judas to betray Him.
Suffering for Christians is a way through which their faith is tested and strengthened as the Bible says that suffering produces endurance then character and lastly hope which will never fall. The Bible says that we also need to take our cross so that we can be worthy of Christ, which means we need to take part in the suffering of Jesus for it is commendable before God, 1 Peter 2:20-21.
The main sermon was shared by intern pastor Joanna from the book of 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 with the theme ‘One body in Christ’. She explained that the Church is not the building but the people and according to the Bible the Church is the body of Christ. Just like the body has many parts, also the Church is one body of Christ with many parts.
Every part of the body has got its own function but each part needs the other, even the weaker ones are important. Even in the Church, there are different people with different gifts but everyone needs the other because one person cannot run a Church. Everyone has their own responsibility in the Church, but if everyone is waiting upon one person to do it, then it is like the whole body was only one part, and that means there is no longer a body but only one part.
She concluded by bringing awareness about how God will judge each part if it does not fulfill its responsibility. The Bible tells us from John 15:1-2 that Christ is the true vine, we are the branches and God is the vinedresser who will cut off every branch that does not bear fruit. This parable is the same as being one body but many parts, and God cutting off the branches that are unfruitful is telling us that judgment is coming when God will judge even the very work that we do.