During a Sunday service, Gratia Nairobi-based Church listened and meditated on Jesus’ Prayer from the hill of Gethsemane. I.P. Walter Livingstone delivered the message from Mathew 26:31-46. The Church received three (3) Sunday service visitors with 2 of them (Vincent and Clinton) previously attending Bible studies
As Olivet Churches around the World continues the 40 days walk in this lent period towards Easter, Nairobi Gratia Church remains no stranger to the program as the Church and the members embraces and welcomes this season with joy as an opportunity for them to meditate, learn and understand more the way of the Cross and the way that love is revealed through sufferings.
In the message, the preacher could contrast the approach of two people, Jesus and Peter to the same situation. Peter was strong, courageous, and believed in his ability and strength. But Jesus acknowledged that He is weak and in pain. With the heart of obedience and humility, Jesus turned to God in prayer to seek strength.
Jesus carried the cross and was crucified to save this world even though all his disciples ran away for their own life. At Gethsemane, He was praying with tears and crying out to God, He showed His weakness to carry the cross, but He prayed for God’s will to be done. Disciples, on the contrary, were bold to say that they will follow Jesus till the end, but later they all ran away with fear.
We need to have faith-centered by God, asking God’s will, not depending on myself but depending on Him. Then God will strengthen us to face all the difficult situations and troubles. Jesus took all the burdens and suffered from great pains for our lives. We need to remember this great love of God looking at the cross.
When we accept this great love of God for us, we can be saved.
I hope this time of Lent can be the time for us to meditate the great sacrificial love for us then put the deep root in God.