Today 7th February 2021, Nairobi Church meditated on The Lord’s Prayer (Mathew 6:10), “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. The Church received one new visitor
Citing and referring to many passages among them Isaiah 65:17-25 to explain the vision and the dream of God’s Kingdom the preacher (intern Pastor Walter Livingstone) explained more the nature and the kind of the Kingdom God desires to come here on earth. He said, through fulfilling our purpose and following the orders Jesus gave us (to love and fulfill the great commission then God’s Kingdom come fully come to earth one day creating a New Heaven and New Earth, New Jerusalem (Revelation 21:1-5)
As Jesus came to this world, Jesus was trying to save many sinners in this world and change this world to become the beautiful and righteous before God. So then the people in this world can escape from all the ugly images and pains through sins, and live the true peaceful life in God. I hope each one of us can realize this great will and hope of God for our lives and for this world, so then we can also live with this true hope.
Gratia Church Kenya leaders this week will make calls and follow up on the previous members and Bible study students to encourage and invite them for Bible studies and Sunday service. Church flyers have been printed so we will pray and try to diligently carry out evangelism