On 24th January 2021, Gratia church in Kitwe joined to Sunday service at OHS place. Brother Benson shared the message about Dust and Spirit from Genesis 2:7, and intern pastor Peter shared the main sermon on how God gives an increase and how to overcome the party spirit in churches from 1 Corinthians 3:5-12.
According to what Benson shared about dust and spirit, God made humans in two forms; flesh and spirit. Man has two lives; physical and spiritual life at the same time, therefore death is the separation between flesh and spirit. God desires man to live a spiritual life because they are eternal or everlasting, the purpose of our body is to glorify God because it is the temple of the Holy Spirit.
Then, intern Peter shared that Apostle is a good example in this lesson on how he overcame the confusion in his church in Corinth. He experienced this challenge in the church, but he humbled himself and said that everyone should have the mind of belonging to God, not to man or anyone else. Everyone has something to do in the kingdom of God, so we should mind our works for God because there is judgment for everyone’s work and reward.
The only way we can overcome is unity in Christ Jesus and prayers. Mostly, when these things are happening, we to understand that our spiritual standing with God is not right. We need to go to Him and ask His guidance to lead His people. As ministers, we shouldn’t start judging others or separating others because Satan might bring this party Spirit in people that I belong to that Pastor or that minister. At the end of it all, we shall experience destruction and separation of the flocks.