On 20th December, Gratia church in Kitwe held a graceful Sunday service, 17 people including two new students Grace and Faith attended the service. Intern Pastor Peter shared the Bible study about “Struggling with my Sin” from Romans 7:14. Pastor James Lee shared the main message about time and date from Matthew 24:44-46.
Intern Pastor Peter shared from the Bible study that justification is the process to change our status and position from sinner to righteous after we are saved by believing in Jesus’ name. But still, we still have problems and sin in us. Therefore we need to know that in us there are two natures; the flesh and spirit, the desire of the flesh and spirit.
If we live according to the desire of the flesh we shall perish but if we live according to the desire of the spirit we shall have life and peace, therefore, we need to live according to the desire of spirit and we shall live.
Pastor James Lee shared about time from Matthew 24:44 that we need to be conscious about time while we are out on earth because time is flowing like rivers of water in the sea. The wise people always live as if tomorrow they will die to do not waste their time on meaningless things but on valuable things.
Therefore, we should concern about predestination, we Christians believe in the confession Sola Fide, sola gratia, and Sola Scriptural, which means only by faith, grace, and the Bible. This is the Christian doctrine that believes in the pure Gospel of Jesus Christ.