On November 22 Sunday, Nairobi Gratia Church had a Sunday Service. Pastor Thomas delivered the message about “Faith of Bartimaeus” from Mark 10:46-52.
“He was the person of faith and with persistent and earnest prayer toward Jesus, he could experience the great miracle of God for his life. Jesus said there are not many people who can experience God because of their unfaith(Luke 4:25-27). Many people are easy to give up on praying to God in the middle. That’s why it may be difficult to experience God deeply for the life. We want to learn the faith of Bartimaeus, so then we can really live the amazing life in God through our faith.”
At the time of praise and worship, Loise was participating to lead the songs as Walter Gor went back to his school in Kisumu. And there were 2 new visitors who joined the Sunday service for their first time. They are George and Walter. George was evangelized around 3 weeks ago and he contacted the church for the service many times but couldn’t join but he could join on this day. He said after the service “The Word of God was so great. Thank you!”. And Walter who came on Saturday for the Bible study first time also joined the service.
May God guides the people who are thirsty for the truth, so they can be quenched and experience God in their lives.