Olivet Assembly of Africa, General Secretary James Lee, presented 2020 years of Africa mission on 2nd day of WGA Mission track. They shared status and vision about Olivet Center centered mission, Youth and Teen mission with the school and construction plan.
They shared that Africa will have two more Olivet Center for Mission direction. They made 4 divisions for 14 ministries for the continental HQ and divided to take a part of 24 countries for each OC. Their goal is 10,000 people with 47 churches in 24 countries.
The mission strategy is going with Olivet Seminary and Web-church. They started with online group bible study and registered good members to seminary and planting a church with fellowship.
The youth and teen mission will grow with OHS and HTCS. They will make 11 OHS include Kenya and HTCS will make 10 schools. They trying to make a good role model for Youth and Teen mission. They worked together with local intern pastors and trained Teen leaders in Zambia.
They will work together with OTM and youth ministries to raise leaders since the schools will have goals for 2200 OHS students and 2000 HTCS students.
Africa will have a year of construction to build the churches and ministries for 2021 and 2022. They will build their building by own hands starting from Revival church and Gratia church, OHS, and HTCS building in Zambia. They will work together with HTCS and Nehemiah ministry.