Kitwe Gratia church held a Sunday service at Mrs. Exildah’s house. Intern Pastor Peter gave the message about the “Perseverance of the Saints” from Romans 8:35-39.
After glorified with Jesus to be a Son of obedience, no one can be against us for we have the victory through Jesus Christ. During this time so many things begin to When we are going through hard times, we need to be strong because it is the process for our faith to be purified and get strong in the Lord, for our faith must be tested. What can separate us from the love of God? Is it hunger, nakedness, or demons or angel? For in all these things we are more than a conqueror in Christ, no one can condemn us nor separate us from his love.
Sanctification is the process of changing our status to be holy, we need to wash our garments every day through the wine and His blood. This time we are fighting with Satan and going through difficult times where temptation comes from here or there, but we are strongly confident that nothing shall separate us from the love of God. Because we are secured and protected in Christ, not even the angel can remove us from Jesus Christ.