Africa Shared WGA Plan And HTCS Vision

Africa Leaders shared plans to visit South Africa from the weekly conference on Friday. Olivet Assembly of Africa(OAA) shared for the gathering of WGA and they will make a mission plan to fulfill the Olivet Center from the conference. Intern Pastor James Kunda of Hunt Trade & Craft School of Zambia shared the testimony and vision to start the school from the conference.

OAA shared the plan of gathering for WGA from the Olivet Center of South Africa. They shred the COVID-19pandemic level is down and South Africa allowed airplanes to come from the beginning of October. OAA asked to pray to purify the place to use on the purpose of the kingdom of God. WGA meeting will be a new moment to make plans for the OC SA for mission purposes. They will keep update for the permission to come and visa and approval documents of security.

James Kunda gave testimony for the HTCS Zambia starting. He shared the grace of God that given developments to the Revival church in Zambia. “We are very much eager to learn skills from the USA online with pastor Phillip for the lectures, “he said. Also, he shared an evangelism plan for the more youths and teens through the school. He shared the prayer topics that God give them the promised land to build a beautiful school.

OA Kenya making web-church and almost finished. They had an online bible study for Romans with 4members include Walter Gor and Loise.

OA Zambia, RevivalChurch searched to buy the land. They meet the landlord near the church again to conclude the negotiation of the price of the house. They collecting more HTCS students.

OA Zambia, Gratia church planning to visit Revival church with 3 elders to see the vision of OHS. The church elders gathered for the church construction and making church registration. They visited the city-council to get permission and they were told to register a church first. They had the book club with 10 members.

YEF Africa had a conference and they prayed for the YEF HQ donation campaign. Pastor Thomas visited the South Africa High Commission and trying to find a way to go to South Africa.

AM Africa keeps operating online bible group and they shared Romans chapter 7 to 8. They trying to make gathering and fellowship for the AM University of Zambia chapter after the school is opening next week.

YEF Kenya shared about an online bible study that Walter Gor was leading the program.

YEF Zambia has campus evangelism and met a sister Charity. She is the final year and thirsty of the words of God and wanted to serve God.