On September 20, Nairobi Gratia church had a Sunday Service at the church. They meditated the book of John 6: 25-71 “Jesus the Bread of Eternal Life” as Pastor Thomas shared the message.
“There were many people followed Jesus but at this time they all left except only 12 remainings, and these 12 became the remnant who succeed in the history of salvation. Let us see the difference between 12 and other people. How the 12 disciples could remain until the end?
John chapter 6 started with the story of Jesus’ miracle of 5 bread and 2 fish, feeding 5000 men. People followed Jesus expecting another miracle. But Jesus didn’t want to show the physical miracle to feed them, but He wanted to teach them that He is the true bread for the eternal life.
Jesus said “Do not work for the physical food only but do the work of God for eternal life”
Then, people were asking “What is the work of God?” then Jesus said “It is to believe in the son of God whom God sent”
And Jesus said that He is the bread for eternal life. Whoever eats His flesh and drink His blood will have eternal life. People couldn’t understand this word because they were looking at Jesus with the view of flesh only. They knew Jesus’ family, his background, so Jesus’ Word was strange and difficult to believe. And they were expecting some physical help from Jesus. So they left Jesus.
But the 12 disciples were different. They believed Jesus who was sent by God and who was doing God’s work. They believed the Word of Jesus as the Word God speak to them.
Manna was given to Israelites in the desert, but the people who ate also died. Manna, physical food is the passageway to believe in God’s sincerity, faithfulness. Through the experience in the desert, Israelites changed from the slaves to the holy priests of God.
So we also need Manna, the daily bread, but we need to have faith in God, faith in Jesus Christ as our Savior, Lord. And we need to listen to God, believe, and obey God’s Word. So that we can fulfill the will of God through our life of faith. Not asking for the daily bread only, we should seek the Kingdom of God first and glorify God. So that our life can be truly blessed and we can enjoy eternal life.”
The attendees were having conviction through the Word of God and receive the grace of God through the service.
One whole family joined the service. Last Sunday only the parents joined, but they brought their 4 children to the service and even the small children(1,3,4 years old boys) could stay at the church calmly throughout the service. Their firstborn daughter is 15 years old. The mother Loise will join the Bible study on Wednesday and Saturday.
This day, brother Kepha also joined the service as they could communicate last week and invite him to the service.
Gratia church members were happy to see the new faces and pray to God to continually call His people to His grace, so they can grow in God as workers of His Kingdom.