Gratia members joined Sunday service. Pastor Peter shared the word of God about the faith of Shadrick, Misheck, and Abednego from Daniel 3:19-25.
The importance of relying on the old testament prophecies is to give a testimony about Christ to come. And we are not trying to live according to their culture but to follow what they believed in and how God put them right before him. It is important for Christian to follow the history of Christianity about faith to believe in God. Because we are getting the right standard and the same relationship to move this history of salvation to save the whole world.
He shared that Shadrick, Meshech and Abednego were in a great test and temptation about their faith in God. When King Nebuchadnezzar commanded them to bow and worship the Idol, they refused to bow because they trusted God with all their hearts. The King threw them into the furnace of fire, they did not burn nor the flame set them ablaze. They came out without any hurt. There are so many idols in this world like Money, birds, animalism, etc. We need to have a brave heart to do not serve idols and almighty God will save us.
We should learn how to strongly rely on God and apply our faith. Faith is the channel to receive the grace of God. When we believe in the word of God, we shall experience the power of God, and he shall be on our side to fight our battle. Even if in sufferings, we rejoice. Because it cannot be compared to the glory of God that will be revealed with the Son of God. We can be joyful if we receive persecution because of the name of God. We are blessed with the Kingdom of God belongs to us.