Apostolos Missions Africa continues to study Romans. Today, the students listened to Chapter 6:1-2 and there were two new additions of students (sister Emilia from Namibia and Brother Pierre from Rwanda, an old member) joined.
Apostle Paul posed a question of whether a man should continue to live in sin as grace abound more. After the study, students shared their reflections and some were very graceful.
“I know I was born of sin but that sin died with my precious Lord on the cross. I was freed from the bondage (hallelujah), but that doesn’t mean I should continue living in sin. I should try to live a sinless life. None is righteousness but as Christians I must try to live right. I should humble myself and appreciate the Cost Jesus paid. If He died for me to be freed, then I should try to live right at any cost”, Albertina shared.
Personally I am more blessed by today’s teaching. And I want to reflect on the cost Jesus paid on the cross. Jesus shed His blood and gave His life as a ransom for me, He endured the pain for my sake, now I need to give my life to his righteousness, I don’t want to live in sin anymore so God helps me, Karen stated.
Emilia who joined for the very first time today stated that “Grace is God’s love in action. If we show him that we care for him then he will show us his grace. I am not perfect but, if I resist the devil he will flee from me.”
Emilia had taken very long without going to Church but she loves God’s Word. She stated that “To be honest it’s been long since I attended church ( I don’t go to church anymore). I can’t seem to be satisfied or interested in being part of a church even though I grew up going to church.
After communicating with brother Walter, Emilia hopes to find revival and find love in God again. Africa will continue to pray for her to be established and grow to know and experience God’s love more deeply