Africa leaders had a conference to share the weekly plan. Africa ministries keep moving forward to evangelize teens through book clubs in Kenya and Zambia. Olivet Assembly of Egypt shifted to the conference of the Middle East region since Pastor Apollos came to Turkey from this week.
Olivet Assembly of Africa(OAA) shared a plan of Olivet Seminary(OS) web-site that they launched South Africa and trying to open Nigeria edition. They keep learning for Cyber church web-site in order to make it. They shared a bible study with a Nigerian brother, Stephen, who is working from the company and thirsty for the words of God. They shared the Zambia retreat plan to gather from 3 intern pastors ministries and OAA together.
OA Kenya received two bible study listeners, Javenta, Silvia from the book club, and from evangelism. They received 3 new students through the book club. They keep moving forward for the bible study and Sunday Service is increased to 7 participants.
OA Zambia’s three ministers are focusing on co-workers and youth leaders through evangelism. Intern Joanna got 3 bible study students and going to find 3 committed members in Lusaka. Gratia church elected leaders of the church include treasure and secretary. Intern Peter found 4 teens for the book club and start the program from this week. Gratia church service increased to 20 members on Sunday. Revival church started evangelism with church members 4 times in a week. They also introduced the book club to teen members and inviting more from this week. Gratia and Revival church is buying reading books from this week.
YEF Africa shared prayer topics for the growth of leaders of YEF in Africa and expending nations more. Pastor Thomas reported that he works for the South Africa visa and correction of OA Kenya officials and renewal of work permit in Kenya.
AM Africa completed the Romans chapter 4 bible study and trying to make offline bible study from Makerere University. AM University of Zambia(UNZA) chapter trying to expand to other countries with brother Robert. They keep trying for evangelism through Instagram and Facebook.