OHS Morning Devotion, Jesus At The Age of Twelve

Olivet High School(OHS) students with teachers joined morning devotion, 11th August 2020. The attendance was 19 students with four teachers Bible study reading came from the book of Matthew 2:41-52, the title of the message was “Jesus at The Age Of Twelve.”

Brother Mathews shared, Jesus started serving God at age 12 and loved God to hear the message of God. When he was young, he asked so many questions. Everyone who heard from him was amazed because it was filled Holy Spirit which interpreted the word of God and himself is the word. Teachers of the law failed to answer questions he asked them because they did not have the Holy Spirit.

Mathews shared, we must receive the Holy Spirit, we can interpret the word of God. It is difficult for us to teach or to interpret what the bible says. without the guidance from the spirit. We will grow spiritually, physically, emotionally, and intellectually when we read and listen to from God.