Olivet High School students with teachers joined to Thursday Bible study program. The attendance was 14 of grade nine students, The word of God was shared by brother Thomson from the book of Genesis 3:1 and the topic of the message was the historical background of sin.
He shared that the relationship between a man and God is a love relationship. When God made a man, he gave the law. He said to them “do not eat in the middle of it which can give knowledge of what is good and evil. A man disobeys the word of God and the sin entered in the world. God gave a free will in order to approve the true love,
God gave us the law to protect us from sin and to recognize sin and to give us direction. But the weakness of the law, the law cannot save us from sin and it condemns us and stimulates us.
He shared that sin is breaking the commandment and two types of sin are the original sin and actual sin.