Apostolos Missions Uganda has resumed onsite evangelism at Makerere University. Walter today visited the institution and met a few people. While there, he found time to pray as well as studied the Word of God on Thursday, June 25, 2020.
AM Africa plan for Uganda is to evangelize 10 Bible students, raise 3 committed members, and establish a center within the next 30 days. The campus seemed quiet and lonely because students are still at home, however, Walter plans to effectively use the time and trust in God that even the few, there are the chosen prepared by God. Through prayers and constant evangelism, God will lead them each to other.
One previous Uganda member (Norman Gamukama) recently has also been following up with AM programs. His interest and desire is to return to the ways of God, learn and devote himself to serve God. “I want to come back to service with AM. I ran away and I was lost. It is time I obey God for He has been so good to me even when I don’t deserve it. He has shown me more love,” Norman explained.
Norman and six other members are currently following AM Africa online Bible studies of the book of Romans. Continuous prayers are being made that the Uganda Chapter be established with a center of operation and God-fearing leaders.