Zambia Revival Church Sunday Service:’Faith That Works Through Love’

Revival Church had the Sunday service which was organized by the assistant pastor. The service was opened with a prayer from brother Gusto Musonda and the intercession was led by brother Tresphod Kunda who is the deacon of Revival Church leader. The attendance was 5 including one sister Mary and there was not receive any visitor this week maybe because of restrictions from public health leaders hope to go and encourage them this week by the grace of God.

The message was shared by Gusto which was entitled faith that works through love and the scripture came from the book of Galatians 5:6 and 1 Corinthians 7:8. And below are some of the points the preacher talked about.

Either circumcision or uncircumcision is nothing to value to our salvation but the important thing is to be in Jesus Christ by faith which works with love. When we believe in Christ Jesus by faith then we can express the love of God to a neighbor by preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are only saved by grace through faith it is not from ourselves but it is the gift of God, Ephesians 2:8.

If anyone circumcised let one not delete the mark of circumcision because one believes in Jesus Christ and anyone who has not yet circumcised should not get circumcised for one to be saved but the real thing is that let them both stay in faith. Sometimes one’s testimony can help other people to believe in Jesus Christ and one also gives testimony to what Jesus has done for one. 1 Corinthians 7:18

Faith is the center of love to receive the grace of God, God expressed His Love or commanded His Love on us that even we were sinners Christ died for us. By this Love, it is only faith that requires receiving the Gift of God which is salvation.

Where is boasting now, is it by the law of works No it is by the law of Faith Romans 3:27. Faith sees every one equal before the Lord and the law of faith has removed boasting in us so that we don’t live by the works of the law. Boasting can make us fall and we need to run away from praising of people about what we have done. Jesus Christ humbled himself to point of death on his friend’s sins. In love there is no envy and pride, love sees everyone as special in the eyes of God we don’t need to justify ourselves and judge others.

Finally, the preacher concluded that Justification is the starting point of our salvation and we are going to better salvation through Jesus Christ it is the process.

The Special announcement is that on Monday, Tuesday and Friday they will be having Bible study with Mid leaders of Revival church program at Olivet High school. The second program this week we hope to go for the Evangelism outreach program of Olivet Seminary Online they wish to call more people for this program by this week.