This week on May 5th, Youth Evangelical Fellowship (YEF) Kenya had their online Bible Study beginning at 2 pm. They continued with their Bible study on the book of Acts 2:22-32. Pastor Jane led them through the study as they discussed Peter’s speech. From it, they could realize that as God’s people they should not give Him pain. The teachings were very encouraging as they could also get a deeper meaning of the cross. On this day, members Lennox and Walter were able to attend the study in realtime. For the rest, it is by faith that they had the chance to go through what was taught.
Back in February, they were able to discuss and came to the conclusion that an online Whatsapp Bible study group be created to allow for online evangelism. Then on March 5th at 8 pm, they could hold the first Bible study in this group. They, together with the new members, looked at the book of Luke 19:1-10. At least three new members, Derrick Wachira, Benjamin, and Dan, could go through what was discussed and could give their feedback by thanking YEF Kenya team for the message shared. In this group, it was later on unanimously agreed by the admin of the group that the discussions would be held every Monday and Friday from 9am to 10am. The major topics of discussion would be from any of the Gospel Books to help the new members know and understand Jesus as they grow in their faith.
Next week YEF Kenya plans to carry on with the Bible Study on the book of Acts with the YEF Kenya members.
As for the new group for evangelism, the topic of discussion would be agreed upon before the discussion dates.