Olivet Teen Mission Zambia offered a service of gratitude to God on the occasion of the 5th anniversary of the teen ministry. The attendance was 10 teenagers as well as Revival Church board leaders.
The service opening prayer shared was shared by Chaplain Pastor Gusto. OTM Zambia leader Tresphod gave an introductory speech, sharing the purpose of the ministry and the meaning of the 5th anniversary. A message was shared by leader Tresphod, from Matthew 5:14, the leading bible verse of OTM, explaining the identity of the teen mission.
After the short worship time, a Bible study took place, given by Pastor Gusto from Luke 7:11-17, titled “Arise and Shine” according to Isaiah 60:1.
He shared that as believers they are called to arise and shine in this world. Jesus commanded each one of them to share the love of God, by preaching the gospel to all parts of the nations. In summary, he exhorted teens to live not only to eat food and to drink. It is very true that the stomach and body need food to grow strong. But food should not become a priority in their lives. But instead, they must make the words of God standard for their lives.
One of the teens, brother Matthews moderated throughout the event, while two other members, sister Mary and brother Kelly, organized the whole gathering.
Afterward, all members shared lunch together and enjoyed a beautiful time of fellowship. May OTM Zambia continue to grow and lead many young people to arise and shine for the gospel of Christ.