‘There Is Always A Helper’, Revival Church Sunday Service.

Revival Church held Sunday service on March 15, 2020, with a total of 21 members, 17 adults, and 4 children including two visitors who declared joining the family in Christ namely, Nancy Musonda and Innocent Mulenga. They also received a special visitor from the HQ, missionary James who came with the arm of teaching teachers at Olivet high school the four spiritual laws. As this was a youth week, the Church youths were given the opportunity to preach, the preacher encouraged everyone to have faith in God in every situation because they have a helper who is always there for them and will never leave nor forsake them.

The Sermon was led by Sister Rita Mwepu, she entitled the message, ‘There is always a helper’, and it came from the book of Daniel 3:16-29. “This is a story of the three friends of Daniel namely, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego who refused to bow down to the golden statue”, “these men brought about the idea of worshiping the golden statue because they knew that the three men were serving a different God.” “After these men refused to bow to the statue they reported to the king”, “then the king called them and asked them to worship the statue in his presence if not they will be cast to the blazing furnace.” “these men still refused to worship the statue even though they knew the punishment”, “they said to the king boldly that, ‘if that is the case, our God who we serve is able to save us from the burning furnace and he will deliver us from your hands o king”, “it is because of the faith of these men that the fourth man who is Jesus had to appear”, she explained.

“This Scripture is teaching us that when we believe in God our faith can be tested in order to see how much faith we have in God”, “we need to remember that despite the Challenges we may face we have a Helper who is Jesus Christ, He is always there to help us in our weakness for we are not strong enough to overcome the trials and Temptation”. “Just like the Son of God appeared in the blazing furnace when they seemed to be weak He will also appear for He will never leave nor forsake us,” she shared.

“We need to put our faith only in Christ Jesus who is our Helper and fix our eyes on him for He is the author and finisher of our faith,” she concluded.