Revival Church held an intercessory service on March 6, 2020, with a total of 8 members. They studied and understood that a Church is like a mustard seed that is sown, although been small, it grows into a very big tree that provides a home for people hearts
The message was delivered by brother Gasto from the book of Matthew 13:31-32 in which he explained about the Church is like the mustard seed, it starts small but later it becomes home for the birds who are the people of the world, “the mustard seed is a very small seed but it later grows into a very big tree and birds make their nests in its branches”, he explained.
“The growth of the church is not by our own power”, for Apostle Paul said in 1 Corinthians 3:6, “I planted, Apollos watered, but God made it grow”, so is it with us”, “it does not matter who started the ministry but it is the Lord who makes it grow”. “It grows by the love and grace of God that is why we need to put our focus on Him,” he shared.
“the bible tells us that, ‘He who started a good work in you will finish it’, therefore, since God has started this church, He will also help it stand and grow into a very big tree with many fruits”, he concluded.