In February, Olivet Teen Mission (OTM) Zambia members joined a sports fellowship with another high school, aiming to strengthen the local network and to evangelize more teenagers.
With the goal of reaching out more to the local community, OTM Zambia held a sports fellowship with Mike Academy Secondary School. During this time pupils from Olivet High School played games of football and netball with one another and the competing high school. This time was aimed to introduce OTM to more local students, breaking the ice with joyful sports games.
Teens enjoyed this time of fellowship greatly, building teams of boys and girls. The plan is to visit Mike Academy again to invite students to join the regularly held Bible study at OHS. Every week, OTM members gather in the afternoon to have Bible study at the high school. Presently, only OHS students join, but efforts are made to increase the number of attendees among OHS students and students from other schools, such as Mike Academy.
It is hoped to hold more activities like the sports event, to engage the local community more and to promote OTM among teens. Let us pray more thirsty souls can be found, who can be raised as leaders.