Nairobi Gratia church gave the last Sunday Service of February meditating the book of John 9:1-7.
Pastor Thomas shares the message from the story of Jesus’ miracle of healing for the born-blind man.
“When we have misery in our life, we ask ‘why?’, many times it’s coming from our sins or other’s sins. All the results have a cause. But what Jesus said about the reason for the blindness of the man was ‘God’s glory to be revealed’. Among many Jews, there were not many people who became believers of Jesus as Messiah. But this person could meet Jesus and experience the miracle, he could believe in him and I think he was saved. Through his misery, he could experience Jesus deeply.
When we have difficulties or misery of our life, let us not disappointed and dispared but make it as the channel to meet Jesus. It is a chance for us to think about the truth and fundamental things.
This person believed and showed his faith through obedience. When Jesus said to go to Siloam and wash, he went there which is 2 km far from the place and washed. Though he could feel ashamed or more miserable as he put the mud with saliva on his eyes but he obeyed because of his faith. It is similar to the story of general Naaman in 2 Kings 5. He felt being dispised, but because of faith he obeyed the word of Elisha and was healed. This blind man could experience God’s miracle of healing by obedience through faith.
Romans 8:28 says that God called us with great purpose, so when we believe in God and love Him God works for the good in all the things. Let us believe in Him always and obey, so we can experience Him”
There were 2 people came newly on this day. Michael was evangelized and he was a person who was wondering in the faith so, at the time of suffering, he left the church, but he joined the service as he promised. And Clinton was invited by Mildred and he is a gospel singer.
After the service, they had time for sharing the grace. Clinton said, “The message taught me that we need to have faith and obedience always to experience Jesus.”
Cleopas said “Today the message opened my spiritual eye to see Jesus, not dimly, but clearly”
Mildred said “Jesus is able to heal the people, change the situation. So when we pray with faith, we’ll receive all the answers.”
Kepha said “I think to obey at the situation of this blind man, he needed to be humble. We also need to be humble when we believe in God and we shouldn’t give up or lose hope until the end.”
Sometimes God let us go through many sufferings and it is for us to be refined and to grow. We shouldn’t misunderstand God but believe in God who loves us and guide us to reveal His glory. Members were filled with the grace of God on that day.